Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saxony-Swiss, Königstein Fortress, and our last days in Deutschland

Ah yes...what a awesome place Saxony-Swiss! First off there is the mountains and beautiful scenery. On top of that there is a ton of history and some cool touristy stuff (organ grinder = purty nifty)! Joni´s camera was dead (sad story, no time for a funeral though) so only I (Cara) took any pics. Too be on the safe side therefore I tried to take a minimum of 500 so I think perhaps there may be a few winnners among them :P Volker playing the zither was lovely, it looked quite challenging to play and sounded wonderful. He played some hymns and some old folks songs and because the zither was such an old instrument I thought some sepia pics were in order, the glasses gave them cool depth perhaps, or just made the pics look odd (u can decide, but I liked them ;) Now Joni and I are packing our suitcases to come home...its QUITE depressing. We will miss the people in Germany, the beautiful scenery, the perfect weather (especially Cara returning to the oven she calls home), and of course the food. Joni and I have become quite addicted to Apfel Schorle *, its great stuff, yes we have developed a bit of a drinking problem. We are also probably going to suffer from chocolate withdrawls when we get home so to prevent this terrible phenomenon we purchased enough chocolate to begin a small candy store WOOPY!!! We had better get back to haphazardly shoving everything into our suitcases with reckless abandon and that means ending the blog here...bye folks...Joni will add more to this when she gets back to the states!
*Apfel Schorle = fizzy water + apple juice (non-alchoholic. folks, did we worry u for a minute)

A close up of Volker playing the Zither. It looked quite confusing to play.
Volker playing the Zither. It was quite beautiful. Very few people learn to play it anymore, so it was quite unique.

This is the drawbridge at Königstein Fortress. It was quite neat actually seeing some of the things we've read or heard about, in person!

This is Königstein Fortress. Yes, it looks a lot like a castle, but it was just for protection basically. It had like 5 differenet levels and gates and walls before you could get in.
In the wine cellar at the fortress. They drank wayyyyy too much wine. This cellar was like as big as a football field. And über cold.
A view from the top of the Fortress.

This is some of the neat rock formations nearby the Fortress. It was the Elbe Sandstone Mountains (in english) and it was at the Saxon Switzerland National Park (also the english version).

This is one view from the top of the Fortress.
On the way up to the Fortress, we saw an organ grinder. It was a real authentic one! He was only missing the monkey!


  1. look Joni!!! Someone actually commented on this posting! How AMAZING! Oh wait it is only ur crazy cousin Cara, bummer :( Hope work goes great tomorrow, don't be too down. I have done nothing all day and am feeling guilty. I shall make that CD tomorrow I promise, it took forever to recover all those files, started Saturday afternoon and didn't finish until Sunday morning...gar!

  2. I like the photos of the rocks!!!!! Great views! There is also a nice video about Saxon Switzerland I wanted to add here, but no way to copy & paste - so I have put it on my name...
